The path to enlightenment
Forge your own beaten track through the jungle of life
The truth is, none of us can escape blame in this world. Blame is everywhere, just or unjust, it’s a factor of life.
Society is so filled with millions of differing perspectives, expectations, opinions and situations; that naturally any decision or direction we find and take, will be met with some degree of conflict.
Which can be exhausting.
As a result of trying to meeting societies expectations of us, many of us decide to forge a life and path of complete conformation, dictated and sculpted by the pressures of those thoughts around us.
“The way it’s meant to be” often dictates who we become, the people we surround ourselves by and the risks we take.
It’s better to look within…
“he who goes upstream, for against the current of passions and worldly life, he is bound for the joy of the infinite…”
Essentially, he or she who finds a solid anchorage in life will be prosperous.
We need to be grounded.
If we can ground our positivity, happiness, joy and contentment into a constant, we’ll receive infinite satisfaction.
To put this more simply.
We were designed to have rest our contentment on the winds of the world. These winds change with each passing day, or even each passing hour.
It doesn’t work.
Instead of relying your confidence on what happens within your day, cement it in a consistent constant. A person, a place, an object, a task, a higher calling.
If writing is your thing, ground your contentment in writing. If your partner is your world, ground your contentment in them. If faith is your thing, ground contentment in a higher calling.
Find what brings you calming joy and ground your confidence in it.
It all ties together…
No man can ever escape a degree of blame, a degree of judgement, so why try to? Forge your own path.