This is a cynical article. But this definitely isn’t an article that advocates drug usage and many people suffer from extreme drug addictions that bring pain and loss. This is a cynical article voicing the fundamental issues with our system, the world in which we live, the philosophy that we as the mainstream have adopted and most crucially, a criticism of those who have the power to control it.
Consider this, for a second. Try and throw away all connotations you have of the word drug. I know, we’ve all been conditioned, taught, lectured that drug is a demonic word, it’s a word that casts people out, it’s a word that gives many of us security to separate ourselves from. Perhaps there’s a bigger meaning to these, or no meaning at all because many words and phonetics that we use have almost entirely negative or dangerous connotations, but we think nothing of it and possibly for a good reason.
But, maybe, this is different. Words can be used to control us. To manipulate us. They are after-all, our core communicational tool and without them, we couldn’t possibly form a society, But perhaps we should sometimes question why we accept or don’t accept words like drug. To be a druggie, or a dealer is hugely frowned upon in the western world and most of the globe. To deal ‘illegal’ drugs is considered anti-society. That may be the case, i’m not here to discuss that and i’m certainly not confessing to be a drug dealer, so don’t pull that card.
I’m voicing how the word drug is a disguise. A disguise for those in the superior minority to rule and manipulate the masses. It’s rapidly becoming common knowledge that the world’s financial and business superpowers run parallel to the governments in the western world, in most cases the agenda of the former often dictates how a country is run and how the public are controlled. So, ponder this. Perhaps we’re conditioned to despise the word drug because it’s a way of categorising those that are illegal, those that can’t be commodified and those that can’t be monitored, why else would government’s hand billion dollar industries away? The corporate drug companies, the suppliers, the listed drug producers are no better than the Cocain Colombian overlords? They supply the mass public with an endless pursuit of pain relief, so in a way, we’re all chasing that next high…